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Writer's pictureMark McIntyre

Are You Word Blind? Discover How to Spot and Fix Your Writing Flaws Today!

Word blindness and proof reading for indie authors

As writers, we often suffer from word blindness, a phenomenon in which repeated exposure to our writing causes us to overlook errors. This issue can significantly affect spelling and the overall quality of our work, making it crucial to find effective proofreading solutions.

What is Word Blindness?

Word blindness occurs when writers become so familiar with their text that they fail to see spelling and other errors. Our brains tend to fill in the gaps and correct errors automatically, making it difficult to spot flaws in our writing. This can lead to overlooked typos, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies.

The Pitfalls of Self-Proofreading

Self-proofreading is challenging because of our inherent bias towards our writing. We tend to read what we intended to write rather than what is on the page. This bias can lead to a polished yet error-ridden manuscript.

Solutions to Word Blindness

Join Writing Groups:

Writing groups like First Word Problems offer a fantastic way to get fresh eyes on your work. Peer proofreading allows for diverse perspectives, which can help catch errors you might miss. In return, you can proofread your peers' work, fostering a supportive community.

Hire Professional Proofreaders:

Professional proofreaders offer an objective and trained eye. While this service comes at varying rates, the investment can be worthwhile for ensuring your work is error-free and polished.

Utilise AI Tools:

AI tools like Grammarly and Hemingway can assist with grammar and punctuation. However, be cautious, as these tools can sometimes sterilise your writing, making it functional but less engaging. AI should be used as a supplement, not a replacement, for human proofreaders.

Read Aloud:

Reading your work aloud can help you catch errors you might miss when reading silently. This technique forces you to slow down and pay attention to each word, improving your chances of spotting mistakes. In addition to reading aloud, you can have your device read your work aloud. That can be a valuable and efficient technique for identifying errors.

Change the Font or Format:

Changing your text's font, size, or formatting can make errors more apparent. This visual shift can trick your brain into seeing your work from a fresh perspective.

Take Breaks:

Distance yourself from your writing for a few days or even weeks. Returning with fresh eyes can help you spot errors that you previously overlooked.

Write Publish: Supporting Indie Authors

At Write Publish, we understand the challenges of word blindness and self-proofreading. Our services are designed to support you through every stage of your writing journey. From the First Word Problems workbook to writing workshops and comprehensive book promotion services, we have the tools you need to perfect your manuscript.

Join our community today and ensure your writing shines without the shadow of word blindness. Good luck on your writing journey!


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