Listen up, lads and ladies, ‘cause you ain’t gonna believe this one. Pull up a chair, grab a cuppa (or a pint, if it’s that kind of day), and let me tell you the ridiculous story of how a wholesome, heartwarming children's book about friendship and how a charity's insatiable need for control caused them to lose their minds and somehow land me in the middle of a workplace scandal.
Sounds daft, doesn’t it? That’s ‘cause it is and truth is stranger than fiction! But stick with me, enjoy the ride! - Sandy the Dragon!.

It All Started With a Dragon, Sandy the Dragon…
So, picture the scene: I’m working away, doing my job like a normal, decent bloke. And as part of that, I help someone, a cracking, creative individual, I help bring their idea for a children’s book to life. We’re talking about a friendly dragon, a village, and a story all about inclusion, teamwork, and kindness. What's more, the book was made with smart read-aloud features, music, songs and activities to be inclusive of everyone, including deaf/blind people, something close to the charity's core claimed mission I must add. The charity put the book on their engagement platform, initially celebrating the success of the project. Everyone knew about it while it was being made, and afterwards, from support workers to the CEO of the organisation. The project was open and empowering it was the kind of stuff you'd think any decent person would be all for, right? If this were a season it would be summer, in the morning, coffee in hand admiring a a glorious sunrise!
Oh, hang on, scratch that, winter is coming!
See, somewhere in the higher-up land of the swivel-eyed chinless wonder inbred boardrooms of bad decisions, this little book about friendship somehow became a massive problem. I don't know if reading was the problem, but the book was built with read-aloud features. Anyway, before I knew it, instead of getting a "Well done, mate, that’s brilliant!" and the 'charity' seeing it as a great example of staff bringing their skills to produce empowering educational person-centred care approaches to maximise outcomes for people that use their services, I got hit with:
"We have concerns… We need to investigate… You must stop selling the book immediately, vee hav zee power!!!!…".
Hold up, what? A book about friendship and working together is a problem? What kind of dystopian nonsense is this? Did I accidentally write Sandy reads Mein Kampf for Kids? No! It’s just a nice story that makes people smile! Anyway, this led to instant suspension over MS Teams, on a Friday, on my day off, without being told what that meeting was about.
The Suspension!
At 15:34 on Friday, the 17th of January (my day off) I had a text message from my boss to contact her urgently! blimey what the hell is happening, has there been a house fire or a serious incident, I called her back and asked what was happening, but she didn't answer, she stated, can you join an MS Teams meeting in 5 minutes? I told her I couldn't do that but could in 20 minutes. We agreed to 16:00, I asked what it was about, but she refused to answer. Upon logging onto the meeting and expecting just my Manager, it turned out it wasn't just a meeting with the boss, but also with the soul-sucking HR people, This instantly felt like an ambush, but what the heck for? I got a notebook and a pen ready to scribble notes, just in case. Anyway, the meeting started off in a no-nonsense manner with my manager saying I was suspended and couldn't go to work or talk to staff, there were crocodile tears from my my manager. They asked, when was the best time to start an investigation, I said, anytime, I appear to be free!
The thing is, and completely naturally, I did what any sane person would do, I asked, "Alright, what’s the problem then?"
They looked at each other as though the other one had the answer and they simply said, 'errr.... safeguarding innit!', I asked okay, specifically what, HR then said it's that book, it's a problem. When asked 'How can an empowering children's book featuring a dragon, and designed so deaf & blind kids be a problem', Nobody could tell me, HR erm'd and ah'd a lot, but then said, safeguarding!, when asked 'How?', they said, we don't know yet, that what we're going to try and find out.
Bit of exposition here, This lot are acting weird cause they claim to be a deaf-blind charity that champions rights and positive outcomes for deaf-blind people, so here comes a book that follows those principles, co-written by a person who uses their service, but guess what! they give it a hell no! no no no no noooooo! Nope! Ban it, burn it, then ban it again! It's a witch!
The very idea of it was too much for them to grasp, but why?
Not a single straight answer. Just a load of vague corporate waffle repeated about "safeguarding concerns" (without saying what the concerns actually were) and "needing to pause sales." (de-publish) while they figured things out. I told them they have no rights over the book, it's not their property. I went on to clarify that Write Publish Books owns the rights, I then reiterated that I would not pause sales, they warned me that my decision would only make matters worse for me! It was like being arrested for a crime but the police refuse to tell you what you did wrong. “Mate, you’re nicked.”"What for?""Dunno. But we’ll think of something. Now stop asking questions.".
I believe the corporation wanted to take ownership of the book and slap their branding on it, they were going to coerce the co-author to hand it to them. It's important to note that the co-author did not want to mention the corporation anywhere on or in the book, for reasons only she knows, but I respected her decision.
Then It Got Even More Ridiculous…
Over the weekend I put together a bundle of evidence that detailed everything about the book, and then on Monday the 20th of January 2025 I provided them with every bit of evidence they could possibly need, but not want. It was a beautiful bundle if I say so myself, it banged on (in great detail) about how the book was made, where the royalties were going (A big lump of it to the co-creator, by the way), how it was all above board and fully transparent. The whole lot was laid out in front of them like a cheese feckin platter. I even highlighted how their action in removing a good news article from their platform about one of their residents who wrote and published a deaf/blind accessible book had stopped sales of the book, so they had directly impacted the person who was credited as the co-author and how they had turned off the tap to her royalties, which directly contravenes her human rights to live a full life, and that includes celebrating her success and having the right to earn money. They had also deliberately squashed her celebration of achievement, heartless or what! That charity was cruel, but they ain't done with disempowerment and disabling a person's dreams, oh no, they were just getting warmed up!
When they realised all this and understood the ethics, guess what?
Did they say, “Oh, our mistake, you’re right, carry on”?
Did they ‘eck. Instead, they expanded the investigation, again without cause, no reasons given, no nothing! They were turning the screw.
Now, it wasn’t just about the book being a problem. Now, it was suddenly about me and how I "interact with staff and service users.", yeah, because actually giving a damn is a problem, hiking, writing, art, life lessons, and encouragement are suddenly frowned on by this 'charity'. But of course, this ain't about any of that, oh no, this is about ego-led individuals, aka management of a national charity, exerting control, at all costs!
Ohhh, right. So it’s not really about the book anymore, is it? You lot just didn’t like the fact I defended myself and refused to back down. Got it!
This is when I realised I wasn’t just dealing with an overreaction, I was dealing with a full-on corporate witch hunt. They had to get me on something, anything. Did I ever make a cup of tea the wrong way, was I ever late, have I ever been a problem, was I lazy, was there ever any concern? Nope nope nope and nope... Yet they continued to dig. Now what they don't realise with pointless digging, is that you're the person who ends up in a hole, and oh boy, is that a deep hole! (oi! - stop that!).

Probation Limbo: The New Punishment Without a Crime
Then came the next level of madness, but first I best mention this little gem, a bizarre co-inky dink! At the point of suspension (over the book, without any reason) I was close to the end of my probation period with the charity, so that was interesting timing wasn't it, anyway, they were unable to prove any wrongdoing or identify how a child's book posed a safeguarding risk to anyone, and someone along the way likely told the deaf-blind charity that banning a cutesy twee children's book about a dragon, written for deaf-blind kids was the worse kind of PR disaster a deaf-blind charity could imagine. So, after quietly dropping that (internally), and finding nothing detrimental about my conduct, they wrote me a letter saying they wanted to extend my probation period while they continue to investigate me, for 3 fecking months! That's corporate speak for 'let's drop all of this, we'll write you up and then sack you in a week!'. Yep, you read that right. They set out to punish me further for unproven allegations, misinformation or whatever you want to call it. And here’s the best bit: They didn’t even tell me when I could get back to work, No date, no rotal, no plans, no nothing!
Imagine your missus kicks you out of the house ‘cause she thinks you might have flirted with the barmaid down at The Dog & Duck… but she refuses to tell you when you’re allowed home, even if proven with every conceivable form of evidence, including cctv that you never did anything wrong,
That’s essentially what happened here.
Except instead of a jealous partner, it’s a bunch of HR muppets and chinless smooth-brained managers who invent problems and call it "policy."
So, I Quit, But, it was constructive ;-)
At this point, it was clear: I wasn’t going back. Not because I didn’t love the job, but because management had made it impossible.
But instead of just leaving, I decided to do something better.
I wrote them a resignation letter, with a handover. Not just any handover, oh no, I left them a list of everything that was engaged in to support the people I worked with.
Encouraging independence.
Helping people with creative projects.
Getting them out and about, including hiking.
Planning activities, including a cracking trip to see an ice hockey match that they were all buzzing for.
Basically, all the stuff they’re supposed to be doing anyway.
And now, if none of those things happen anymore? Well, they can’t pretend they didn’t know, I literally handed them the to-do list.
It’s a bit like quitting your job at a café and leaving a note saying, “By the way, the milk frother is broken, Table 6 needs sugar, and Gary’s allergic to nuts.” If the next barista ignores it and Gary ends up in a hospital, well, not my problem.
The Letter That Made ‘Em Lose Their Minds
Listen up, kid. Let me paint a picture for ya. Have you ever seen someone lose a chess game so bad they flip the whole damn table over? That’s what happened when I handed in my resignation.
See, I played it straight. Gave ‘em a professional handover. Laid it all out—service users, projects, all that good stuff. Wrapped it up in a neat little bow, like a gift. ‘Cause I’m a professional, see? I don’t leave people in the lurch.
But HR? Oh, HR lost their damn minds.
Now, most people, they’d read a letter like mine and say, “Fair play. You’re leaving, you’ve covered your bases, best of luck.” But these clowns? Nah. That’s not how they play. They saw red. They saw the walls closing in. And when rats feel trapped, they do what rats do, they bite.
The Threats Start Flying
So what did they do? They hit me with "We’re gonna ruin your life” routine. You know, classic intimidation tactics.
We’ll tell the authorities about you!
We’ll mess up your background checks!
We’ll make sure you never work again!
And just to add that extra bit of venom, they threw in two big names: AccessNI and DBS. They also stated they would contact all professional bodies. (Over a book). They had previously stated reporting me to the PSNI, over a children's cartoon book about a dragon, for deaf/blind kids!
Yeah, you read that right. The Corporation wasn’t just happy to suspend me for no reason, then ignore any evidence I provide them, they wanted to blacklist me. Wanted to make sure no one would ever hire me again. They were going for the full character assassination.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some desperate moves in my time. But this? This was amateur hour. A bunch of empty threats thrown together by people who got too high on their dirty supply of ego, blended with nonsense.
They thought I’d fold. Thought I’d beg. But see, that’s where they made their first mistake.
Because, you know something, I've had the worst happen already, many years ago, back in 2001, I was near to death (more on that one day, a fun time in Sierra Leone, it earned me free public transport in Northern Ireland, so winner eh!), consequently, I have a philosophy; what doesn't kill me, doesn't scare me, and if it does kill me? well, then it's all over anyway isn't it?
What are these senseless idiots going to do?
I Beat Them To It
Here’s where it gets funny. You know what I did before they even had the chance to start their little smear campaign?
I warned AccessNI and DBS myself.
That’s right. I went straight to the source. Gave ‘em the whole story before The Corporation could twist it into whatever fantasy they were cooking up.
Told them exactly what was happening, how these clowns were throwing false accusations around like confetti at a cheap wedding. And I made sure they knew, this wasn’t about safeguarding, this wasn’t about any real wrongdoing. This was pure, unfiltered retaliation and an attempt to assert control.
Oh, So NOW You Wanna Investigate?
Here’s the funny part. They had me suspended for weeks, no questions asked, no evidence, just “You’re done.” But the actual investigation? Yeah, that didn’t even start until AFTER I resigned, coincidence? hmmmm Nope! (The investigating officer wasn't even named until AFTER I contacted the Trustees about the corporation's wrongdoing and how they are damaging service users. The trustees, instead of taking a whistleblowing report seriously, disregarded and deferred back to HR. The investigating officer had done nothing up to this point (about 19 days or more) Now then let's see if you spot a pattern)
Ain’t that a joke?
They had all the time in the world to run their little inquiry. They could’ve asked me questions, you know, like humans. They could’ve looked at the facts. But they didn’t. Because it was never about an investigation. It was about control. It was about shutting me up.
But when I walked, they panicked.
They knew they lost their grip and must get me by he throat!
So what did they do? They scrambled. They retroactively started the investigation. That’s right, AFTER I was already out the door.
It was retaliation, plain and simple.
HR’s Big Mistake
Now, let’s get something straight. HR ain’t supposed to operate on emotions. HR is supposed to be neutral, cool-headed, by-the-book. But these jokers? They were out for blood.
And that’s where they screwed up.
They put their threats in writing. Rookie mistake. When you’re running a vendetta, you don’t leave a paper trail. But they did. They wrote down, plain as day and sent it to me!, they told me their plan, that they were coming after me. That they wanted to “ruin my reputation”. That they were willing to fabricate nonsense to make my life hell. They would put a mark against my name with DBS, AccessNI and every single public body that they could find. They made it clear that they were weaponising regulatory bodies.
And now, well…
Let’s just say they handed me a loaded gun (metaphorical), and I ain’t the kinda guy to waste an opportunity.
Then Came The Cease and Desist
Now, I ain’t the kinda guy who enjoys writing legal letters. But this? This was different.
They came after me with bad faith and bad intentions and malicious threats, any other person, less thick-skinned might have ended their own lives at this stage, and the corporation would have slept soundly. I had to go nuclear, and make it clear that I am coming after them, not just as an organisation, but as individuals!
So I hit ‘em right back—with a cease and desist letter that cut through their nonsense like a hot knife through butter.
In it, I laid it all out:
They had no case.
This was pure retaliation.
They were making defamatory threats that could get them sued into next year.
They were the ones in breach of multiple laws—whistleblowing protections, employment law, and safeguarding laws.
And if they kept up their games, they weren’t just gonna lose in court. They were gonna lose in the court of public opinion too.
I effectively told them straight:
“Stop what you’re doing, or this gets a whole lot worse for you.”
I reminded them this was all about a children's book I produced for deaf/blind kids. None of this makes sense!
And just like that?
What Happens Next?
See, they think they’re in control. They think they get to decide how this plays out.
But here’s the thing. They poked the wrong dragon.
And now? Now we play by my rules.
They wanna keep pushing? Fine. I got all the time in the world. But every move they make, every delay, every lie, every weak attempt at saving face—just digs ‘em deeper.
And when the dust settles?
I’ll still be standing.
And them?
Well, let’s just say they better start drafting their own resignation letters.
The Book That Was ‘Too Much’ for My Employer
So let's summarise this whole debacle, remember, it's all about a book called Sandy the Dragon, a book designed with smart talk-aloud features that made it inclusive for deaf/blind people. The charity seeking to ban the book claims to advocate for deaf/blind people, when I said I would protect the book and the person who wrote it, they sought to destroy me!
I produced a wholesome children’s book about friendship.
I helped someone bring their creative dream to life.
If the book sold any copies, the co-author would earn royalties as part of the experience (a symbolic and ethical gesture and as encouraged in the Human Rights Act etc).
Somehow… that was all too much for my employer to handle.
So now? I’m making sure as many people as possible see this book.
They wanted me to stop promoting it.
They wanted me to 'pause' sales (aka de-publish)
They wanted me to sit down and shut up.
They harmed the creative rights of the co-author.
They lied to the co-author, stating they were going to promote it, instead, they deleted it from their systems.,
They suspended me (on a Friday) without cause.
They stated that an investigation would commence (post-suspension).
No cause for suspension was ever provided.
The investigation manager only commenced any investigation after I resigned.
I provided them with a full appraisal of the book production. (they never read this though - it's 45 pages of in-depth process.
I repeatedly asked for clarity about why I was suspended, but they refused to tell me.
While creating my 45-page report I became aware of the depth of their wrongdoing to service users, quite serious breaches of human rights laws!
I blew the whistle. - no response - stonewalling commenced by them.
Over 10 days passed, and no officer was named. Still no reason for suspension and no formal acknowledgement of my whistleblowing report.
They emailed me stating they have a policy of not answering questions.
Informed Trustees, they chose to ignore, diverting back to those stonewalling.
RQAI and Charity Commission for Northern Ireland informed.
RQAI acknowledged receipt & also advised me to go to the Labour Relations Authority.
The corporation retaliates in writing by extending the scope of its investigation against me, shifting it from the book to everything about me!
The corporation continues to stonewall.
I had enough of this nonsense and resigned, in my letter to my line manager and HR I provided a handover to ensure the continuity of person-centred care for service users.
Their HR responded by accepting my resignation but also put in writing direct threats to destroy my life and future employment prospects. HR cited DBS and AccessNi and threatened to contact all professional bodies. (about a kid's book).
I took it upon myself to contact DBS and AccessNI pre-emptively, giving them details of possible retaliation to whistleblowing etc.
Then the investigating officer suddenly popped up, saying they were now going to start the investigation, this was three weeks later and only AFTER I stated I was leaving, they wanted to investigate a 'business agreement' about the book. There is no business agreement! She says she has read all the evidence!.
I respond to the allegation and ask her about that, I ask her to tell me what evidence she has read, and where in my provided evidence pack she has read and what she might be stuck on. The evidence I provided 3 weeks prior. At this point, HR refused to me of specific charge.
I issue a cease and desist letter informing HR and the Trustees of the corporation of their serious breaches in law, of their retaliatory actions, of their direct threats toward me, I name all the persons who are complicit and personally liable (in law). I provided them with case law for each law they are proven to have broken, I informed them that they could face being struck off, unlimited fines and custodial sentences. I informed them that this matter would gain significant media attention on traditional and social media (a national deaf/blind charity banning a book and making threats to ruin me for producing an accessible children's book for deaf/blind people). I offer them a way out of that.
They must respond by 17:00 on Friday the 7th of February 2025.
They acknowledged receipt, but trustees remain in hiding and refuse to perform their oversight duties., given trustees' names are public information, their names will appear in due course.
Tuesday 18th - Provided them a settlement proposal of a sum intended to remind them not to do this to anyone else. The funds will be used to create materials that encourage self-advocacy and rights awareness of people in 'care' based environments.
Yeah… all that over a little book? This whole thing represents something bigger now. It’s not just a story about a friendly dragon helping his village, it’s a story about standing up for what’s right, even when it’s inconvenient. And if you want to know why a children’s book about kindness and inclusion could cause such a fuss?
Well, I guess you’ll just have to read it and find out where it goes One thing is for sure, they have to answer to the Charity Commission and the RQIA, so that's parting gift number one, or as I call it, the warmup! In due course, read the press and read court documents :) Advocating for people's rights is important, creative expression, celebrating success and the ability to properly participate in the world is vital. If I don't make a stand, who will? Mr or Miss or Mrs Bystaner effect? I think not! 😉
Final Thoughts: What’s the Moral of the Story?
📚 If a company ever tells you to "pause" something good, question it.🐉 If you recognise them doing harm to someone vulnerable and if someone then directly makes threats against you, that’s when you shout louder.💡 And if they think they can cancel you, or a story… they’ve forgotten that stories live on forever.
🔥 Want to Read the Book They Didn’t Want You to See? 🔥
📖 Sandy the Dragon is available now.
💬 Let’s prove that good stories, and the right to tell them, are worth fighting for.
🔥 Oh, and just wait for Sandy the Dragon 2 - the fight for justice! Because one person advocating isn't enough, people knowing their own rights and asserting them is far more powerful! 🔥
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