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Writer's pictureMark McIntyre

First Word Problems: Your guide on how to write a book and how to publish a book for indie authors.

Updated: Jun 17

Sarah sat down with a cup of tea, and the soft hum of the café created a soothing background for her conversation with Mark. She had always dreamed of writing a book, but the process seemed overwhelming.

First Word Problems - write and publish your first book

"Where do I even start?" she asked, voicing her concerns.

Mark smiled, understanding the daunting task ahead of her. "I totally get that. It can be daunting. That’s exactly why I created 'First Word Problems,' a workbook designed to guide you through the entire process of writing, publishing, and promoting your book. It’s like having a mentor by your side every step of the way."

The idea intrigued Sarah. "That sounds amazing! But what if I don’t have a solid idea yet? How do I even begin brainstorming?"

"Great question," Mark replied. "The workbook has dedicated sections for brainstorming. It encourages you to jot down all your ideas, no matter how big or small and helps you refine them into a cohesive concept. It’s all about finding that spark of inspiration and building from there."

Sarah nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "I’ve always struggled with staying motivated. How does your workbook help with that?"

Mark leaned in slightly. "Staying motivated can be challenging, but 'First Word Problems' includes interactive exercises and planning pages to keep you on track. Plus, there are plenty of motivational quotes and success stories to keep your spirits high. Writing is a journey, and celebrating small victories is crucial."

"What about publishing? I’ve heard it’s a complicated process," she said, her brows furrowing.

"Absolutely," Mark agreed. "The publishing world can seem like a maze. The workbook breaks down the steps into manageable chunks, from choosing the right format and binding options to understanding ISBNs and pricing strategies. It’s designed to demystify the process and make it accessible for everyone."

Sarah sipped her tea thoughtfully. "I worry about the financial side. How do I make my book profitable without pricing it too high?"

"That’s a common concern," Mark reassured her. "'First Word Problems' covers strategies for competitive pricing while ensuring profitability. It guides you through understanding your production costs, market trends, and target audience preferences to set a price that works for you and your readers."

The idea of marketing seemed to loom over her. "Marketing seems so intimidating. What if I’m not good at self-promotion?"

"You’re not alone in feeling that way," Mark said, empathising. "The workbook provides practical tips on leveraging social media, organising book tours, and engaging with book clubs. It’s all about finding the right channels that work for you and connecting with your audience authentically."

"I’m also passionate about sustainability," Sarah added. "Does the workbook touch on eco-friendly publishing options?"

"Yes, it does," Mark confirmed. "We’ve included a section on environmental considerations, highlighting options for eco-friendly materials and green printing practices. It’s important to align your publishing choices with your values."

Reflecting on the emotional aspects, Sarah said, "Writing can be quite a rollercoaster emotionally. How does the workbook address that?"

"Writing is indeed an emotional journey," Mark agreed. "'First Word Problems' encourages you to reflect on your experiences, gather feedback, and use those reflections to grow. It’s about understanding that every part of the journey, including the challenges, contributes to your writing development."

Sarah hesitated, then confessed, "I’ve always feared that my writing isn’t good enough. How do I overcome that fear?"

"That’s a very common fear," Mark said gently. "The workbook emphasises the importance of authenticity and creative expression. There’s no right or wrong way to write; it’s about being true to your voice. People appreciate genuine, heartfelt work."

"And what about selling my first copy?" she asked, a hint of excitement in her voice. "That sounds thrilling but also nerve-wracking."

"Selling your first copy is indeed a thrilling milestone," Mark agreed. "The workbook helps you prepare for that moment, ensuring you have the tools and confidence to promote your book effectively. It’s wonderful to know your words are reaching readers and making an impact."

Feeling empowered, Sarah asked, "What inspired you to create this workbook?"

Mark’s eyes lit up. "I’m passionate about helping others find their creative voice. Writing can be a powerful form of expression and a way to connect with others. 'First Word Problems' empowers you to confidently share your story and navigate the publishing world."

"Do you offer any workshops in Northern Ireland?" Sarah inquired.

"Yes, I do!" Mark continued. I offer creative writing workshops in Northern Ireland. You’ll receive the workbook as part of the course when you attend. It’s a great opportunity to get hands-on guidance and connect with other aspiring writers, resulting in your book being published!"

"That sounds perfect," Sarah said. "How can I sign up?"

"You can find all the details on my website or contact me directly for upcoming workshop dates," Mark explained. "I’d love to help you kickstart your writing journey."

Sarah felt inspired and ready to start. "Thank you, Mark. This has been so helpful."

Mark smiled warmly. "You’re welcome, Sarah. Remember, the world needs your unique voice, and there’s no better time to start than now. Happy writing!"

Some Writing based Motivational Quotes:
  • "The scariest moment is always just before you start." – Stephen King

  • "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." – Maya Angelou

  • "You can make anything by writing." – C.S. Lewis

Get started

Ready to start your writing journey? Join Mark’s creative writing workshops in Northern Ireland and get your hands on the workbook that will guide you from idea to publication. If you can’t make it in person, stay tuned for its release on Amazon soon. Let’s bring your story to life together!

First word problems


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