Title: Mindful Moments - Reflection and Stress Reduction
Category: Non-Fiction
Genre: Mindfulness
Sub-Categories: mindful activities, mindfulness tasks, take a moment, mindfulness practice, focus on the present
Author Name: Mark McIntyre
Mindful Moments is all about taking some time for yourself. Discover the benefits of focusing on a single task in one moment, such as a reflective piece of writing, colouring, etc. This book offers a unique combination of mindfulness quotes, intricate patterns, and thoughtful prompts to promote relaxation, self-awareness, and reflection.
Each page features a motivational quote on themes such as diet, nutrition, fitness, work, family, and friendships, accompanied by an intricate design to colour in. The book includes 52 guided activities, including mindful questions and short story ideas, to inspire creativity and self-reflection.
Escape the busyness of daily life and find a moment of calm with this therapeutic tool. Whether new to mindfulness or looking for a new way to incorporate it into your daily routine, "Mindful Moments" is the perfect addition to your self-care journey.
Mindfulness, colouring book, relaxation, self-care, stress relief, therapeutic, guided activities, motivational quotes, intricate patterns, creative prompts, mindfulness for beginners.
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About the Author. Mark McIntyre has been an independent author since 2012, focusing on personal development and mindfulness. That said, Mark is branching out to fiction and biographical work.
More 'about me' here.
#MarkMcIntyre #Belfast #NorthernIreland
#NonFiction #mindfulness #mindfulactivities #mindfulnesstasks #takeamoment #mindfulnesspractice #focusonthepresent