coming soon!
Title: HMP Screwed - Life as a UK Prison Officer
Category: Fiction
Genre: Biographical
Sub-Categories: HMPPS, UK Prison Service, uniformed service, Public Sector, Corruption, prison life, prison officer, counter corruption, asylum, victorian prison
Author Name: Mark McIntyre
Embark on a fictionalised journey into the heart of the prison system with McIntyre's "HMP Screwed: Reflections of a Former Prison Officer." In this captivating biographic style fictionalised account, McIntyre offers a candid and unvarnished account of his time as a Band 3 Prison Officer, providing readers with an intimate glimpse into the trials and tribulations of life behind bars.
From the initial excitement of joining the ranks to the harsh realities of daily operations, McIntyre takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through the highs and lows of his prison service experience. With unflinching honesty, he navigates through a toxic environment fraught with negativity, gaslighting, and bureaucratic obstacles, shedding light on the challenges officers face within the corrections system.
Each chapter delves deep into the intricacies of prison life, from the culture of gossip and the frustrations of ineffective management to the resistance to change from long-serving staff members. McIntyre's narrative is both eye-opening and reflective, offering valuable insights into the inner workings of the prison service and its impact on those who serve within it.
But amidst the darkness, "HMP Screwed" also reveals moments of intrigue and scandal as McIntyre uncovers shocking truths and confronts the underbelly of the corrections system. McIntyre's revelations will leave readers on the edge of their seats, eager to reveal the next twist in this gripping tale, from illicit affairs to covert operations.
Buy your copy. The book is up for release at the end of June 2024.
About the Author. Mark McIntyre has been an independent author since 2012, focusing on personal development and mindfulness. That said, Mark is branching out to fiction and biographical work.
More 'about me' here.
#MarkMcIntyre #Belfast #NorthernIreland
#NonFiction #biographical #HMPPS, #HMPS #UKPrisonService, #uniformedservice, #PublicSector, #Corruption, #prisonlife, #prisonofficer, #UKprisonofficer #workinginprison #behindbars #countercorruption, #asylum, #victorianprison #systemicfailures
Hahahaha...he only served 3 or 4 months (maximum) as a probationary officer. Hardly an endorsement ftom a long serving, or even qualified Prison Officer. Readers, please don't be sucked into what this man has to say....